The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 52: Candypalooza Power & Light

Once Sam has finished his stint as a DJ, he heads down to where Zack is waiting.

Being a conscientious producer, Zack goes to try out the equipment for himself. Once he's satisfied that everything is in proper working order:

: Alright, dude, let's get back to work. Those dance floors need power too! Can't dance the breaks without some electron flow!

The dance floors are down there on the lower level. The little yellow circles on the edges are electrical hookups; we can string things like dance floors (and speakers, hint hint) in sequence, meaning that we only have to run a wire to one of them to power them both.

Sam splices into the DJ-booth line.

Leading the cable downhill, Sam plugs the dance floors in.

Now they put on colorful light shows! Sam has to test this out. Once he finishes self-consciously shaking his booty:

: Hey, way to go! The fans are really going to dig those.

He checks that off on his little clipboard.

: Ok, now, we've got all the speakers here, but we need them powered and positioned for maximum valume!

Oh, boy, do we ever.

There are six speakers up here on stage.

There are also six speakers down here on the dance floor. All of these things need power.

First, the stage. Sam splices into the DJ-booth line again.

(q. will he ever use that other available plug)

(a. no)

He then piles up the six speakers and starts wiring them in. Speakers that are side by side take power from each other; the speakers on top need to be wired in separately.


For the floor speakers, Sam puts two clumps of two in the back and one speaker to either side. Surround sound!

We'll just put in a line from the dance floor to...

eheh heh heh

someone stop him

he's gone mad with power


After that little display, Sam calms down and wires up the rest of the speakers normally.

hee hee hee

Zack looks everything over, then checks it off on his clipboard. I guess it's okay with him!

: Ok, we've got all the sound stuff figured out, but now we need the set all set up. We need decoration!

Of course you do.

Apparently this is going to be a very natural rave.

Sam hides the electrics behind a nice screen of palm trees.

Jardinieres! For reasons!

And some flowerbeds. These both came from the Garden Scroll we completed ages ago.

Maybe people will want to take a break from dancing to eat something?

We'll just... hide some cereal boxes back here where no one can see them, in case Candy gets hungry in the middle of her set. Perfect.

And we'll repot everything in bamboo, for... I don't know, bambooity. Hey, Zack, how's that?

: Dude, you've got the dance pit set up like whoa! Thanks, Sam!

We gather in the pit. Are we good to go?

Zack and Sapphire, doin' their things.

: That's it, Saph! Thanks to our friends here, we got every single item on the list!

Sapphire cheers.

: Omigosh, that is so awesome! I wasn't totally sure if we could pull it all off and then WE DID!!!

: Omigosh, it's HER!!!

It's who now?

: Ladies and gentlemen...

: ... The one, the only...

DJ Candy busts a move.

: WOW! What a great entrance!

We all cheer and clap.

Everybody dance!

Hells yeah.

: Ha! Ha! This is fun!


Next time on MySims Kingdom: Let's get this party started! ... what do you mean, we can't get this party started?


Video: Shake It, Sam

Want to watch Sam dance? Me neither. Yikes.

Video: Enter DJ Candy

Features much better dancing! Also, much worse dancing.